Welcome to

Mathias Flagey's website

Graduated DevOps Engineer from a selective engineering school with a keen interest in cloud technology and a dedication to staying up-to-date on DevOps philosophy.

I want to use my skills and passion to contribute to impactful projects, while continuously learning and evolving alongside my colleagues.

Professional experiences
Mathias Flagey

Mathias Flagey

Septeo Hospitality

Site Reliability Engineer / DevOps Advocate

october 2023 - Present

Monitoring of production with monitoring and alerting tools.

Audit of the company's DevOps profile and implementation of an improvement plan.

Containerization of development environments and improvement of continuous integration processes.

Observability tools: Grafana, ELK, Zabbix

CI/CD: GitlabCI, Jenkins

Deployments: Rancher, AWS

Mathias Flagey

Mathias Flagey

Septeo Hospitality

DevOps Engineer (apprenticeship)

october 2020 - october 2023

Automation of processes (CI/CD) following the DevOps culture.

Implementation of tools to improve the developer experience.

Development of web applications for campings and outdoor hospitality groups.

Tooling: Docker, GitlabCI

Backend: Java Spring,

Frontend: React, VueJS, Typescript.

Mathias Flagey

Mathias Flagey

Thelis Unix Data

DevOps Engineer - internship

june 2022 - august 2022

Design, development and deployment of a Customer Relationship Management application.

Backend: Java Spring

Frontend: React

Deployment: Kubernetes

Mathias Flagey

Mathias Flagey

LDLC Saint-Étienne

Hardware technician - internship

july 2019 - august 2019

- Computer repair and assembly,

- Stock replenishment and management in the store,

- Sale of computer components and customer advice

Mathias Flagey

Mathias Flagey

secret project

Kubernetes, Gitlab CI, LGTM, OTEL

Confidential project for now 🤫. More information coming soon...

Responsible for the infrastructure and security of the project.

Deployment on Kubernetes, secret management with Vault, CI/CD with Gitlab CI.

Monitoring and alerting with the LGTM suite (Loki, Grafana, Tempo, Mimir) and OpenTelemetry.

Mathias Flagey

Mathias Flagey

My first rust project !


Rust, Kubernetes, System development

RIK (Rust in Kube) is a container and microvm orchestrator developed in Rust.

This project, carried out as part of a systems development course, is inspired by the Kubernetes architecture.

I created the CLI (rikctl) and worked on Software Defined Network implementation.

Mathias Flagey

Mathias Flagey

Morty FaaS

Golang, FaaS, AWS Lambda

Function as a Service (FaaS) platform developed in Golang and Rust and powered by RIK's microvm runtime.

I'm a maintainer of the project.

I am a contributor to the CLI for function creation and invocation and to the function registry.

Mathias Flagey

Mathias Flagey


Deep learning, NLU, Alexa

Cloud-based voice service inspired by Amazon Alexa.

Project contains AI with Natural Language Understanding, TextToSpeech and SpeechToText.

It uses Morty as a FaaS platform to execute skills.I'm working on the project infrastructure.

Mathias Flagey

Mathias Flagey


Rust, Containers, RunC

Kaps is an experimental OCI container runtime written in Rust.

Mathias Flagey

Mathias Flagey


React, Typescript, Microservices

Architect & code a learning platform used by hundreds of students.

Mainly a video oriented learning, teachers create courses, adds Markdown course, video course, quizzes.

Technologies : React, Redux, Nestjs, TypeORM, Postgres, Docker, Kubernetes, Prometheus, Gitlab CI, MaterialUI, Minio

Mathias Flagey

Mathias Flagey

LoL Reroll Cup website

Webapp, VueJS, Express, PostgreSQL

Website for the League of Legends (LoL) Reroll Cup event.

- Team registration system.

- Automatic tracking of team compositions and changes made by team captains.

- Discord bot synchronized with the application, sending a message in a channel when a change is made.

- Display of the playoff bracket.

It is my first web app. It is developed using VueJS and Express.

Mathias Flagey

Mathias Flagey


Polytech Montpellier

2020 - 2023

Software development, system and network administration skills, capable of managing the entire chain of development, testing, integration, deployment, maintenance and monitoring and follow-up of applications in Cloud environments.

Subjects studied :

- Year 3: MongoDB, PostgreSQL, Node.js, Git, Ansible, Rust, Java, React, Docker, Kubernetes, AWS

- Year 4: Scala, Spring, Quarkus,, KVM, GCP, Kotlin, Spark, Kafka

- Year 5 (current): Grafana, Neo4j, OpenStack, TerraForm, AWS Lambda, Alexa, Kafka

Mathias Flagey

Mathias Flagey

Preparatory class

Polytech Lyon

2018 - 2020

Preparatory class for Polytech engineering school

Mathias Flagey

Mathias Flagey


Scientific, computer science option


Mathias Flagey

Mathias Flagey

Since 2022, I have been involved in the organization of IT conferences to bring together enthusiasts around tech topics.


Conference, IT, Montpellier, CFP

Member of the organizing team of SunnyTech in 2023 and 2024.

2024: Responsible for the "Speakers team" which is in charge of selecting topics (Call For Paper), scheduling and welcoming speakers on D-day.

2023: Member of the speakers team and the communication team.

Sunny Tech is the first Tech conference organized in Montpellier.

The event welcomes digital technology enthusiasts from all over France (and even Europe) to share their knowledge and interests in Tech through conferences and workshops.

Mathias Flagey

Mathias Flagey


Conference, Cloud, DevOps

Creation of Polycloud for the first edition in 2022.

Organization of the first edition of Polycloud: a free conference day for students and professionals. Presentations deal with Cloud and DevOps topics.

Mathias Flagey

Mathias Flagey

I also had several experiences in eSport associations.


eSport, Events, management

Event organizer for eSport organization.

Mathias Flagey

Mathias Flagey


eSport, Presidency, Events

- Co-founder of the organisation Reroll: eSport community helping players of all levels to progress in the best conditions.

- Vice-president and treasurer until 2021.

- President from 2021 to 2022.

- Organization of national competitions on the game League of Legends (searching for sponsors, creating match formats, setting up match schedules, working with the media team of the association).

- Managing a team of twenty people for the animation and development of a community.

Mathias Flagey

Mathias Flagey

Feel free to contact me !







